Yesterday I was checking on God Want You To Know application in my facebook profile and the words was; “You have been asking a it’s time for you to listen to Him...” and it mentioned about meditation as a way to listen to God through our heart. And being an ignorant person myself, I never thought of this, of not listening enough to Him even I have full faith in Him. Yes, I was asking and keep on asking but little did I listen for all this time to His words. And it saddened me to realise that. So this time I search through the net and try to observe and understand the words of God that I found in there. Surprisingly, it did relieve me to know the beautiful words from our bible, just a little of it is enough to make me feel peace inside my heart. So, I just want to share my favourite words from our holy bible that has been our guidance since eternity. Enjoy and try to absorb...
This kind of selfishness is rooted in pride. When someone serves their own interests at the expense of someone else, that person is saying, “I am better than him. I deserve this more.” We want people to notice us, and we want them to think we have it all together. But allowing pride in our lives is the exact opposite of how God wants us to respond to Him.
He must become greater; I must become less (John3:30).
Courtesy from
That is what I meant when in my prayer I always mentioned we are ignorant. As human, we are just weak. We like to be superior from everyone else and we forgot that is against God’s will. We think we are good, better than others because we think we have what others do not have. But what we ignore is the fact that God made us all equally, with our own strength and weaknesses. There come the phrase; “No one is perfect” but still we choose to act arrogant in front of Him by belittle others and trying to hurt others so that we can feel better.
I must become less, from my point of view means to be humble. Control our act to boasting around about who we are. We often described ourselves as beautiful, succeed, smart, sexy, handsome, lucky and bla..bla..bla..and indeed some are true to their description but what many of us always forget to put into our ‘resume’ of attitude is kind hearted. Is it because we think that it is not getting us any way in our life? Or that being kind hearted will not show how superior we are in front of others? Or because being kind hearted makes us a humble person and being humble will make us losing all the material ambitions that we have? BUT what we always forget too is that humbleness is the only thing that will gain us the respect. Can we buy respect? Can we force others to respect us just because we are sitting on the number one chair in the office? Maybe some do not care of how they got the respect but for those who know God and believe in Him, they will definitely care. I care because of that I was often hurt because for me, no use in talking back if someone has telling us that they are the powerful one, they are the mightiest one, for I know, when it comes to this point, it is their business with God, not me anymore. So, let God deal with their arrogance. Who are we to say we are more than others when we clearly know also that we are equally God’s handmade. But to get it straight, I also not against it if anyone want to behave arrogantly because it is their right. Only that like I said before, now it is their business with God. We are just no one, no one to judge and punish.
Child’s faith
'Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favour that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it. Such confidence and knowledge of God's grace makes you happy, joyful and bold in your relationship to God and all creatures. The Holy Spirit makes this happen through faith. Because of it, you freely, willingly and joyfully do good to everyone, serve everyone, suffer all kinds of things, love and praise the God who has shown you such grace. Thus, it is just as impossible to separate faith and works as it is to separate heat and light from fire! Ask God to work faith in you, or you will remain forever without faith, no matter what you wish, say or can do.'
Martin Luther on 'Galatians 3:1-14'
I am not a church goer. I will never admit that I am one. But inside my heart, I have one place for me to put my faith to God. I believe that He is around even when I was at the lowest point of my life. I believe that even when I suffer, that is a sign of God’s love and recognition of my strength because for me, He will never put me in a test if He thinks I can’t make it. And I always believe when He took something away from me, there is a better chance He will give much more than that.
God’s made all the beautiful and ugly things..we are to be grateful for the balance.
What I mean is, every time He throws anything to me, regardless of how bad or good that thing is, I always learned from it and it brought me some changes that made me grow and became wiser in seeing the world. His way of showing His love just madly funny sometimes but God is God, He is our creator and He has all the right on how He wanted to show His love to us. And each times, I will be more conscious of the reason I was given each day, to appreciate everything and everyone around me and be grateful for His blessing. To remind me that I have responsibility towards my family, my friends, employer and community. To remind me that I am to be nice to those people around me. But of course, I am just a human being, God’s creature and I do make mistakes. No exception..only that I always turned to Him every time I was in that situation, and I will accept anything He thinks is fit for my ignorant behaviour. I accepted everything He has for me.....
Never think that when we are in suffering moment, He is punishing us. Maybe He just want us to be mature and learn from the suffering. Or maybe He wants us to look at the different perspective. Or maybe He wants us to know ourselves better by recognising our own strength to deal with the suffering. For me, there is always a reason why God made and do everything.
So, I am truly hope that we will see something from our sharing on this. But of course, everything I elaborate, I think, I said and write here is from my own point of view. It has nothing to do with any books or person. Only those wording from the net, I did highlighted them out. From the beginning when I started sharing in my blog, I do not see what the importance is to write based on a book or fact. If that so, anyone can get the book from the bookstore, no need to bother yourself to read my writing here. I am me, I write from my heart, what I feel and how I look things differently. So, if anyone do not agree with me, I apologize and I am to respect that too because like I always said, it is everyone’s right. And to get everyone attention, I do not stated any specific name in this writing of mine.
Until we meet again, adios and may God bless us all......salam....
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