Good day to all.....
Been quite sometimes since I made my last
entry....never fail to be lazy LoL...
I have a number of things that I really
want to talk about but of course I can't talk about it all in one time.
But I really like to talk about this thing
lately ..... politic and the effects to the mankind. But let's minimize the
scope a little bit..politic in Sarawak and the impact on the people.
Now, our parliament election is getting
closer, everyone seems to be more alert...why not when every day, we are feed
with the news about politic everywhere...TV, newspapers and current trend,
internet. Now everyone can say anything about anyone else because we are so
'global'. So does our politics’
To be honest, for few months already, I do
not watch news at TV, when previously sometimes ago, I never miss TV3 news at
8. That is because, I am so tired with the politic...politic here, politic there...someone
accusing someone else, someone exposing someone else dark secret, someone
publish someone else sins on the media..ect..etc..etc...
I'd rather not say the details but what I
want to talk about here is, how does it brings any good to us, the people?
It is not much different with a broken
family does fighting parents affect the children?
The 'children' will be torn does
the people. When we look at the current situation, I dare to say that our
politicians do not think much about the people, but themselves. I also dare to
say that, I haven't yet found any Aang San Suu Kyi among our leaders or
politicians. Well, maybe there is one person that when it comes to helping
those needy, does really help, but I think it is better be keep tight for my
own personal view or opinion on this individual. Or I might trigger an outbreak
to certain party.
When our country was in chaos, our veterans
wished for peace and freedom. But now that we have all that we'd wished for, we
forget the suffering and the efforts that was made by our earlier generations
to be at where we are now. We forget that our freedom was achieved by all people
not only one side of the country. Everyone did play a role. But we FORGET
that...we forget the unity. We forget how good it feels when we hear the word
Why does every politician in our contry
sometimes so reckless? Everyone has their own agenda, as said by one of my
friend. You just can't find an honest man in the parliament anymore.
Parliament - a place that we can say
'sacred'. A place where our appointed leaders talk about everything considering
the people, talk and discussing with good manner what is good for the people
and the country. But lately, I just saw that they were using it as a 'stage'. A
stage to humiliate each other personally.
A stage to campaigning their agenda and purposes. And by this, they are
wasting the people's times and money. Sometimes I do feel sorry for the hall
speaker, for he has to bear all that nonsense.
When there is no professional issue to
revoke, they 'stab' each other with personal issue...come on la...who wants to
know, who's mistress is who...which husband is cheating on
whom..bla..bla..bla...we are tired enough earning our life without being feed
with all that boring stuffs. This is free country (or am I wrong about it?) ,
as long as they work well for the people, do they job and listen to the people,
who cares about their 'bedroom story'?
Most of the time, this people in the
parliament or politic really embarrass us with their attitude. I am not only
talking about our ruling party or the opposite..because for me, they are just
the same. Bring us some one that is really wanted to serve the people. Someone
that really put our country welfare on top of the list of his task..nada! None
so far...
Bear in mind...if this is continuously
happen, we will be at war. Scary to hear that huh...
This so call elected leaders; they just say
anything, without thinking as an adult. For one time, I think that they needed
to be taught about 'Pendidikan Moral' once again. They are all thinking about
their position, thinking about winning but does anyone thinking about what the
people really want?
That is about our politicians..some more
about our own people...
Try not to be manipulated by certain party
and being used by them to achieve their ambition. Every time there is an issue
come out, try to take a breath and sit, think for a while, is this true?
Because we can't directly talk to the said individual, it is just not right to
jump onto conclusion.
For me, not everything that was done by the
ruling party is not good or false, and so does the opponent party. We’re
democracy country, we have the right to have our own opinion but let's not do
it blindly.
For an easy example, when people talk about
NCR land, please do not make it worse by saying that every moves that was made
by the Land & Survey is for the intention to steal our land, because when
we do that, we confuse the people. We send the wrong message to our elder
generation. Please be considerate, some of the things that the government plan
for us does bring comfort to us right? I wish to have something like FELDA in
Semenanjung but when our government try to bring those concept to Sarawak, some
people went berserk and spread rumors that scared people.
Please la...not everything is bad in our land
right? Not every police men is corrupted. Why don't we listen first, then if we
still do not understand, ask. Do not
speculate things just because we do not like it, someone might need that to
make a better life.
As Malay said "Jangan Menuduh Membabi
Buta" it's true.
Do not apply the mind attitude thinking
that all the government servants are just bad as what we think the government does.
We might not agree on certain things but try not to look negatively on everything
It is just not healthy practicing that mind
So does the opponent party....I hope that
no one is trying to drag anyone else down by saying and accusing anyone else,
of unthinkable sin anymore, even a story maker can't think of it.
May be it is best to remember God first...

And for those that has been on the 'throne'
for so long, if the people voice out for your retirement, best way is retired
in a respectful way. Doesn't our voice count anymore? I just do not understand,
if these people really work for the people and love them, they should has done
what is good for the people.
Make path for the younger
not put your country under so much pressure by being the main reason for it.
That is such a selfish act for a leader. If your refuse to step down after so
many years, people might think you are up to something no good though.
So, please my dear friends....please use
our wise judgment, think first of the implication before we agree with
anything. For most of the time we can't see and hear the real story from that
particular side, best if we do not make any conclusion and spread the wrong
I understand that we are very passionate
about our country and our state Sarawak especially, but make sure when we have
something to share be it an opinion or just a simple commenting, we do think of
other occupant. Never ever think that we are the best among all because our
country is made from the strong unity of multiracial people. If we want others
to tolerate and respectful towards us, do it first, be considerate and
respectful to others too. We have so much space to live peacefully among us,
even if we are to be assign an acre living area for each family; I think we
still have enough. Or aren't we? Got to ask the Land & Survey dept I guess
Well, let me end this with salam...salam
perpaduan, salam damai...tidak perlu untuk menyukai orang di sebelah kita,
cukuplah sekadar menghormati mereka sebagai seorang manusia yang punya hak
sebagai seorang manusia sebagaimana kita.
God did grant us peace but it is up to us
to practice and care for it.
Adios...salam 1 Malaysia....
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